Strike Ballot – Schools and Early Years

Dear Colleague
This is just a reminder to all members in schools and early years that you will soon be balloted for industrial action as part of the pay campaign. The ballot opens on 23rd July and closes 29th August. The ballot hotline will open on 2nd August with further details to be sent nearer then. This would be a good time to ensure that the details on your membership file are up to date. If you are a member in a school or EYs establishment you should register with or log on to MyUnison to check that we have all of your correct details. The link is below and you will need your membership number which is at the bottom of this email. We need to have an updated home address. As this is a statutory ballot we are legally required to send ballot papers out by post to your home address. You should also check that we have the correct workplace address. As we are only sending ballot papers to members in schools and EYs then one of the filters we use to determine who should be balloted is workplace. If your workplace is not listed as a school or EYs establishment then you may not receive a ballot paper. We experienced this problem last year as some members had their workplace listed as Education HQ, Council HQ or Municipal bldgs.
If you do not receive a ballot paper then you should contact the ballot helpline when it opens. This is because the branch are not able to issue ballot papers. However as you know receiving a ballot paper is one thing, completing it and returning it is the important part. If we do not meet the 50% threshold then members in Inverclyde will not be able to participate in any programme of industrial action should that be required.

Best Wishes
Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)


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