Care Management: Fit for Purpose?

UNISON Scotland’s Social Work Issues Group report on Care Management is available on the UNISON Scotland website.
This report reveals a Care Management system that is on its knees, with decisions about care being driven by budgets, and crisis management the norm in many areas of Scotland. Based on a nation-wide survey of UNISON social work members, the report conveys their experiences of the Care Management model as being about the gatekeeping of resources rather than the assessment and meeting of needs.
Social work staff are demoralised – they feel they have no opportunity to be person centred and needs led, or to take a preventative, early intervention approach with service users.
However these problems have been largely ignored in discussions about the National Care Service. UNISON’s Social Work Issues Group will continue to raise them, and to press for the core funding needed to delivery quality needs led services.
UNISON will continue to engage with Social Work Scotland, SASW and the Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser to promote the changes that are needed including a radical change in social work practice.