Equalities Information and Survey


At the Inverclyde UNISON AGM in February, I was elected as the Equality Coordinator for the Inverclyde Branch.

This means, in addition to your workplace stewards, I am a point of contact if you are experiencing any issues in your workplace around equality, specifically where these relate to one or more of the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 (see below for details).

Unison branches often have a range of self-organised groups (black members; disabled members; lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members; and women members). There are also equality groups for young members and retired members. Previous attempts to establish these groups in the Inverclyde Branch have shown there is a low demand, but I will be exploring whether the demand has increased in a future newsletter, so please look out for that.

In the meantime, Unison is in the process of carrying out a national equality survey to explore the experiences of workers around equality in their workplaces. Last year nearly 5,000 UNISON members took part – one of the biggest responses to any survey ever run by UNISON. The results were used to brief our service groups and self-organised groups on key equality issues for their bargaining and organising agendas. This year the aim is for 6000 members taking part.

It takes just 5-10 minutes to complete and is your opportunity to share your experiences and have them used to inform future decisions. The survey can be done anonymously, although if you have an option to leave your email address if you wish to be entered into a prize draw to win 3 nights at Croyde Bay. Find out more about Croyde Bay Holiday Resort

The survey closes on Monday 7 August and your participation would be appreciated.


Kind regards.

Janice Boyd
