Latest Edition of Scotland in UNISON out now

Inside this issue.

Whether you work in local government, the NHS, police, education or any other public service, you need a pay rise but they won’t pay up unless we speak up.

Key wins as Scottish Government and TUC back Just Transition initiatives

Guide says violence at work is not ‘part of the job’

Victory for the Glasgow Jannies

Glasgow equal pay victory but Council seeks leave to appeal

Stirling: 8 in 10 say stressed at work

Higher pay band for paramedics

West Lothian takes holiday pay win lessons into cuts fight

Cornerstone vows to work with union as a fair employer

Call for support for workers who are carers or suffer loss

Another New Lanark Fun Day success

Labour Link nominates Richard Leonard

Retired Members: Celebrating Jean’s 40 years’ service – Another great bowling tournament and much more

