HSCP Stress Incidents
Drew White, UNISON Inverclyde Steward and Co-Chair of the Inverclyde HSCP Health & Safety Committee asks members to read the following article regarding Recording of stress incidents within HSCP.
The Health and Safety Committee would like to remind all staff that incidents which make you feel stressed should be recorded either on Datix or on the Council’s incident/accident reporting system on ICON.
For clarity, this relates to specific incidents, examples of which might include:
Being exposed to second-hand smoke in a client or patient’s house.
Not having reasonable access to personal protective equipment.
Being allocated a home visiting schedule that does not allow for travel time between client or patient’s homes.
These examples are of course not exhaustive.
Other less specific instances that are deemed to raise stress levels (such as workload pressures or relationship issues) should be discussed with your manager and recorded through the supervision processes.
For staff without access to Datix or ICON, the manager should log the instance and print off a copy for the staff member.
It is important that you record specific instances so that we can begin to gain an overview of frequency and impact, and start to develop solutions to eliminate the causes of such instances.
If members have any queries they can contact Drew through the Branch Office, contact 01475 715900.