Inverclyde Council Budget – UNISON Delivers Effective Campaign

Inverclyde Council met earlier today and set its budget for the forthcoming financial year – 2018/19.

UNISON has been campaigning since earlier last year to ensure key front line services and jobs are protected. In doing so we fully recognised the very difficult financial circumstances which the Council faces.

We have held our position throughout the budget negotiations with elected members, and put forward a very strong case in support of services which UNISON members deliver.

Today the Council agreed not to cut any of the jobs and services which the Branch were seeking to protect. This means there will be no cuts to: Community, Learning & Development Services, Libraries and Museums, Advice Services, Customer Centre Services, School Cleaning, Community Wardens service, CCTV operation and Breakfast Clubs.

This is obviously a very positive outcome for the Branch and we welcome the Council’s decision not to make any cuts in these areas.

However we need to remain focused on what lies ahead. This is only a Budget for 2018/19 and we know that the Council will face further budget challenges in the next financial year and beyond.

The Council also intend to carry out reviews in some of these service areas and whilst there are no savings targets linked to these reviews, cuts may well be considered. We will continue to campaign for these and other essential services to be protected.

Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)
Old Library
30 Bawhirley Road,
PA15 2BH
