Unison Learning Opportunities
Calum McLellan, UNISON Inverclyde’s Life Long Learning Officer writes “The Government’s Lifelong Learning policy for Scotland is about ‘personal fulfilment and enterprise, employability and adaptability, active citizenship and social inclusion’. Inverclyde Council and Unison are working in partnership to promote the continuous professional development opportunities that are available both from Inverclyde Council and Unison.
It has been agreed that Unison members will have the same entitlement to access Unison learning opportunities as they currently have in order to access courses facilitated by Inverclyde Council. The current Inverclyde Council process on training/CPD is to be followed when engaging with learning option from Unison. Bite size e-learning courses (15 mins) are accessible during the working day but access to longer courses must be approved by your line manager.
Details for accessing courses via Icon can be found http://icon/hr/employee-development/learning-development/
Unison provides a wide range of learning opportunities for our members. Our courses can help you:
• develop self-confidence
• teach you about yourself
• become more active and involved around issues that concern you
• tackle change and uncertainty at work
• progress your career
• learn for fun and personal development
They are designed to be friendly and informal, with practical exercises and no long lectures or exams. Modes of learning Include:
One day workshops: Workshops cover a variety of topics; recently the teaching support staff at the Port Glasgow Campus participated in training covering at Autism Awareness and Promoting Positive Behaviour. The training was facilitated by Dr Carrie Ballantyne from the University of Glasgow and was fully funded by Unison.
Online: Any UNISON member can create an account on our online learning site and enroll themselves in e-notes (quick, interactive online modules) on a wide range of topics such as Dyslexia Awareness. https://e-learning.unison.org.uk/”
For more information please contact your local Learning Rep:
Calum McLellan Tel: 07775221601/ Email calum.mclellan@inverclyde.gov.uk