Branch Supports National Numeracy Day

Wednesday the 16th of May is the UK’s first National Numeracy Day and Unison would like to invite all members to check if they the “Essentials of Numeracy” by accessing the online toolkit.

Branch Life Long Learning Officer Calum McLellan writes,

What’s the issue?

Attitudes towards numbers have been negative for far too long, but with your help, we can change that. We want to help make people feel confident and recognise the value and presence of numbers in everyday life.

We know that poor numeracy can fundamentally affect people’s lives and the wider economy.
Nearly half the working-age population have the numeracy skills of a primary school child. ?
Those with poor numeracy are more than twice as likely to be unemployed. ?
The average cost to individuals with poor number skills is £460 a year. ?
Research has revealed that good number skills can help people better manage their money and avoid debt. ? Estimates indicate poor numeracy costs the UK economy £20.2 billion each year. ?
Low numeracy levels cost UK employers £3.2bn each year. ?
Data from the British Cohort Studies has shown a link between depression and poor numeracy.

What can you do?

Check whether you have the ‘Essentials of Numeracy’ using the free online tool:

If you would like to brush up your Numeracy skills, please contact the Branch Lifelong Learning Officer to discuss how Unison can help. Calum can be contacted on 07775221601 or by email:

For further details please click the link below

National Numeracy Day 2018 Unison
