Inverclyde Council – Revised Council Pay Structure Proposal
Council officers have developed a revised pay and grading model, the details of which they will announce over the next few days. The proposed new model will achieve two outcomes which have been priorities for UNISON during negotiations on a revised pay structure. Firstly it restores differentials at the lower end of the pay scale. These differentials effectively disappeared as a consequence of the Scottish living wage increasing at a much faster rate than national pay awards. This has led to all employees on grades A, B, C and the 1st point of grade D being paid the same hourly rate. Secondly, it reduces the size of all of the incremental scales which will allow employees to progress through their incremental scale much quicker. UNISON has been calling for these changes for some time.
What will change?
The existing pay structure comprises 15 grades (A – O). This will be replaced by a new structure comprising 12 grades (1 – 12). Grade 1 will be a single increment grade with an hourly rate of £8.75 which is equivalent to the current Scottish living wage. Grade 2 will be a two increment grade with hourly rates of £8.87 and £9.15 and grade 3 will also be a two increment grade with hourly rates of £9.42 and £9.69. Each of the grades above, 4 – 12, will be shortened with the first point, and in some cases the first two points, removed. UNISON have put forward a strong case for all employees transferring to grade 2 to be placed on the higher point – £9.15 per hour. This is due to these employees being the most disadvantaged in the past as a result of the removal of differentials. We are hopeful that this will be agreed.
How will this work?
All employees currently on grade A and some employees currently on grade B will transfer onto the new grade 1. The remainder of employees on grade B (primarily those with supervisory responsibilities) and those employees on grade C will transfer to the new grade 2. All employees on grade D will transfer to the new grade 3. Thereafter grades 4 – 12 will replace existing grades E – O.
What happens next?
The council will issue further details on ICON including the new pay charts. UNISON will over the next two weeks be issuing information booklets for members and we will distribute paper copies to schools and other council buildings. The branch will then be conducting a postal ballot for all members with a recommendation that you accept this proposal.
It is likely that this ballot will take place during November. It is also important to stress that UNISON Scotland will be conducting a different consultative ballot in relation to the national pay offer of 3%. Although the two processes and ballots relate to pay, they are separate from one another. The national pay ballot will be conducted electronically and members should ensure they vote in both ballots.
If UNISON members return a positive ballot we will be seeking an implementation date as soon as is practical. We hope that this will be no later than the 1st April 2019.
These proposals are still subject to full council approval.
Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)