Unison Inverclyde Continues Campaign Against Council Cuts
Unison Inverclyde are continuing their campaign against the proposed Job Cuts at Inverclyde Council.
A letter has been sent to all elected members making clear that UNISON Inverclyde believes that some of the cuts being proposed will lead to poorer outcomes for our members, our communities and the council overall.
Whilst we recognise that the number of job losses being proposed by the MBWG is significantly less than what was previously feared. Still, UNISON Inverclyde is of the view that the council can deliver a balanced budget, and certainly a better outcome budget, with fewer job losses and as a consequence less impact on frontline services.
We have identified four areas which we are asking members to reconsider before the council meets on Thursday and members have already received detailed impact sheets to assist their decision making.
We have also provided additional information from the perspective of workplace stewards in the affected areas and we hope that they will take the time to read this information and reconsider before reaching a final decision next week on the budget that they want to agree.
A copy of the letter sent to the elected members can be viewed by clicking on the link below.