Quarriers Members – Important SSSC Information

SSSC Registration is vital for our members employed within Quarriers.

Almost every direct care role within Quarriers requires the individual member of staff to register with the Scottish Social Services Council.

With nearly all registers open and available for registration, for all direct care roles staff MUST register within 6 months of joining Quarriers or taking up a new post.

It is the individual responsibility of all staff to ensure they satisfy SSSC registration timeframes, and this includes ensuring that annual fees are paid within required timeframes.

For the avoidance of doubt, since 2 October 2017 any new staff joining a care at home or housing support service must register within 6 months of taking up post. This was at October 2017 already the position within adult day care, care homes for adults, day care of children and residential child care.

In addition staff currently employed in Care at Home and/or Housing Support services have until 30 September 2020 to register – anyone not registered at this date will be unable to work.

It is almost certain that you will require to register with the SSSC, however, if you are not sure please speak to either your line manager or Quarriers HR team who can clarify the requirements with you.

All staff should be aware that if you fail to register within the appropriate time frame, you will not be allowed to attend work and importantly you will not be paid. This is not in staff or Quarriers interest so please check today whether you may require to register.
