NEC Elections, Your voice, Your vote!

It’s time to choose who speaks for you on UNISON’s national executive council.

You’re hard at work keeping our vital public services running, and leading busy lives with your family and friends.

So now’s your chance to elect the people who’ll speak up on your behalf over the next two years.

What’s the election for?

All seats are up for election on UNISON’s national executive council (or ‘NEC’).

The NEC is a diverse group of 67 ordinary members like you, working in all areas of public services, who make decisions about how our union is run.

When can I vote?

The ballot opened on 15th April 2019 and closes on 17th May 2019, a ballot paper has been sent to the home of every eligible member, together with information on the candidates.

What if I haven’t had a ballot paper?

If you haven’t received your ballot paper please call 0800 0857 857.

Please join your fellow UNISON members and vote in the NEC election. It only takes a few minutes! Thank you.
