Unison Inverclyde Message to all Classroom Assistants
The branch will be issung briefings and updates relating to the 2020/21 budget process over the new few weeks. Some of these will be generic and others, like this message, will be targeted at specific groups of members.
UNISON Message to all Classroom Assistants
You will be aware that one of the budget cut proposals for 2020/21 is to reduce the number of classroom assistant posts across the council. Many of you attended meetings, the purpose of which was to explain what was being proposed. A large number of members have contacted me following the meetings and it is clear that some clarification is needed on this issue.
Firstly it is important to state that UNISON are totally opposed to any cuts to classroom assistant posts. We will be doing all we can through negotiations with elected members to ensure that these cuts are not accepted when the council agrees its budget in March of next year. Members will be aware that there have been proposals in the past to cut classroom assistant posts. On each occasion we have successfully managed to persuade elected members not to cut classroom assistant posts. I am hopeful that we will reach the same outcome for the proposed cuts next year.
However it is possible that the council may decide to agree this proposal. In which case it is important that I clarify what impact this would have. The proposal is to cut 10 FTE classroom assistant posts across the entire school estate – approximately 30 schools. This would take effect from August 2020. The saving, if agreed, would be managed through removing vacancies and normal turnover. There may however be a small number of temporary classroom assistants – especially those with short periods of service – that may be expected to be redeployed to ASN posts. Although UNISON will be seeking to avoid any requirement for redeployment even amongst temporary staff. Permanent classroom assistants and many temporary classroom assistants would be completely unaffected. As there would be no redundancies or actual job losses, classroom assistants are not included in the voluntary severance trawl.
I hope this provides some clarity but please get in touch if you have any further questions.
Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)
Old Library
30 Bawhirley Road,
PA15 2BH