Unison Welfare, Winter Fuel Grant Grant 2019/20

Members living on a low income constantly struggle to make ends meet – and this can be particularly acute in the winter when the cost of heating homes rises as the outside temperature falls.

But it’s not all bad news – help is available. The union’s welfare charity There for You has once more set up a limited fund to help members on low incomes towards the cost of their winter fuel bill through a one-off payment of £40.

The process is very similar to previous years and an amount of money has been ring fenced to support this initiative. However, once it’s gone it’s gone!

So don’t miss out. Apply early and send your form and supporting paperwork in as soon as possible. All the information you need can be found online at www.unison.org.uk/get-help/ services-support/there-for-you/there-for-youwinter-fuel-grants/ .

Alternatively, contact the Branch office on 01475 715900 for further details.
