Further Updated Coronavirus Advice for Inverclyde Council Members
This is further guidance for members following the information below which was previously circulated.
Key Workers
The council are in the process of drawing up a list of key workers and as yet UNISON has not been provided with what jobs will be included in this list. Key Workers who have school aged children will be expected to use school hubs which are being set up next week. This is to allow key workers to remain at work while still having access to schools for their children. There are a number of issues which we require to discuss with the council in respect of these arrangements next week. I am not sure when these hubs will be fully operational but all members should follow the advice below in respect of School/Nursery Closures on Monday and Tuesday of next week and work from home. In particular members in early years are also covered by this advice and should work from home on Monday and Tuesday.
Dear Colleague
Please find below updated advice following the recent Inverclyde Council briefing.
Women members who are pregnant
Members who are pregnant should not be at work. This means that you may be asked to work from home even if the job you do is not normally suitable for home working. Members and their manager should agree on what tasks may be undertaken at home. This might include for instance completing on line training.
Members with underlying health problems
Members who have underlying medical problems should not be at work. This means that you may be asked to work from home even if the job you do is not normally suitable for home working. Members and their manager should agree on what tasks may be undertaken at home. This might include for instance completing on line training.
Members in households with someone with an underlying health problem
You should have a discussion with your manager to make sure that your job does not put you at risk of potential exposure. We believe that in most instances this will be unlikely as it would mean working alone or in isolation from other colleagues. If you are unable to undertake tasks which significantly reduce the risk of infection then the same position should apply in respect of home working as above.
School/Nursery closures
We understand that all schools and nurseries will remain open for staff. The council plan to create small hubs in some schools for children whose parents are keyworkers (we are still waiting for further clarification). For members who are not keyworkers but who will impacted upon and will have difficulty with child care then the home working arrangements should apply. Again home working in the circumstances should be available to all members regardless of their job within the council. This position will be reviewed once the Easter holidays begin.
Alternative duties
As we said previously staff may be asked to volunteer to carry out other duties and this is already happening. It may be however be the case that some members are asked to their own job in a different location. Again if this happens and there are any concerns please contact us.
As you can see we are encouraging the council to define home working in a much more broader and inclusive way than would be normal. However if home working is completely unsuitable for whatever reason then we would expect paid leave to apply.
Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)
Old Library
30 Bawhirley Road,
PA15 2BH