Further Coronavirus Update for Inverclyde Council Members
I hope you are well and staying safe. Below is some update information that you might find helpful.
Schools/Early Years Establishments re-opening – The Scottish Government announced last week that staff can return to work in establishments in June with teaching resuming on the 11th August. Please use the link below to view the information that was issued yesterday as part of the regular council briefings. Members who are shielding/self-isolating should continue to do so in line with the point below.
Shielding/Self-Isolating – The 12 week self-isolation period which began in March is due to end on the 18th June. This affects members who are (i) shielding (ii) self-isolating due to having an underlying health condition (iii) self-isolating due to having a household member with an underlying health condition (iv) self-isolating because of pregnancy. There is yet no further guidance from CoSLA as to what the position will be for members in all of these categories after the 18th June. We will of course update you when further guidance is issued. In the meantime all members who are shielding or self-isolating (including those in schools and early years establishments can continue to do so until at least the 18th June.
Car Sharing – A reminder that members should avoid sharing a car with colleagues during their work as it is impossible to comply with social-distancing guidelines. Your management will put in place alternative arrangements to ca sharing if required. No member should feel obliged to car share in any circumstances.
Mobile Testing Units: On 19 May 2020 Scottish Government COVID19 Testing capacity was expanded to anyone in Scotland aged 5 or over, who is self-isolating because they are showing symptoms can be tested. Priority for testing appointments will be maintained for key workers and their household members to support them returning to work where it is safe to do so.
The mobilisation of a COVID19 Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) managed by the Army located initially at the Waterfront Leisure Car Park Greenock from Friday 22 May 2020 which will remain in situ until stood down. Monday to Sunday 10am -6pm.
Testing is accessed via the government website:
Citizen Portal https://www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test
Essential Workers self referral https://www.gov.uk/apply-coronavirus-test-essential-workers
Employers Portal https://coronavirus-invite-testing.service.gov.uk/DaraTestDemand/Login
Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)
Old Library
30 Bawhirley Road,
PA15 2BH