Unison Welfare, There for You
If you are a member and you are experiencing financial difficulties, whatever the circumstances, There for You can offer you support.
We can provide one-off grants to those in difficulty due to coronavirus, or other financial assistance for those experiencing unexpected hardship. The two schemes are outlined below but if you have any questions please email thereforyou@unison.co.uk.
COVID-19 Response Fund
There for You has set up a special response fund to help UNISON members in immediate financial difficulty due to coronavirus. We can provide a one-off grant of £250 to help with essential expenses such as food and bills.
Please note that this is a limited fund and grants will continue to be paid until the fund is exhausted.
To be eligible for a COVID-19 grant the following must apply:
You or your partner have suffered a reduction in earnings as a result of the coronavirus crisis which has put you in financial difficulty; OR
You or your partner are a key worker with increased work-related costs as a result of the crisis, e.g. transport, care, or laundry costs.
You must also:
Be a UNISON member with at least 4 weeks membership and have paid your subscriptions;
Have savings of less than £800;
You can apply online:
Alternatively, contact the Branch office on 01475 715900 for further details.