UNISON Scotland launches campaign for short changed Scottish care workers
Unison Scotland today launched a campaign for Short changed Scottish care workers, details are below and further information is available here on the Unison Scotland website. Unison Scotland Care Workers Campaign
Despite funds being made available by Scottish Government, there are still many care workers not receiving full pay for sick leave when self isolating in relation to Covid-19. To help tackle this UNISON Scotland is launching a website where care workers can register a claim online and join a campaign to ensure that all workers benefit from Scottish Government’s income guarantee.
Deborah Clarke, Regional Organiser, said: “Care workers are waiting far too long for employers to pay them what they are entitled to whilst self isolating, as a result of Covid-19. This isn’t just a financial hit for many low paid workers, it’s a public health issue too. Workers cannot afford to stay off work end up putting themselves and the people that they care for at risk.
“UNISON pushed for funding to be made available but, now funds are in place, some employers can’t or won’t pay up. No more. UNISON is encouraging members to get in touch and we’ll work with them to make sure they get the full pay they deserve to allow them to take care of themselves during this pandemic without having to worry about their pay. We’ve had clap for carers – but what is needed is cash for carers.
“Scotland’s care workers deserve better. It shouldn’t matter that they are in the Community or Private sector, they should have access to a robust sick pay scheme like their colleagues in the NHS or Local Government ensuring that they have protection during public health issues, from covid to norovirus and beyond. That’s exactly what UNISON and our members will be fighting for in the coming weeks and months.”