UNISON joins COSLA to launch mental health awareness video

You’re on mute!’ Is a frequent cry during online meetings.

#Don’tStayonMute campaign aims to reassure people who are suffering from anxiety or uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is to remind them they are not alone and that there is support available.

We hope the message: ‘it’s OK not to be OK and to speak to someone to get help’ will resonate with the thousands of workers across Scotland still working remotely or in isolation as the country remains in Phase 3 of the route map out of the pandemic .

Johanna Baxter, UNISON Scotland head of local government, said: “The COVID pandemic has changed everything about everything. These are difficult times and it’s OK not to be Ok about that. UNISON reps know how you feel as they are going through it too. Our key message is don’t struggle alone. Contact your trade union or human resources team if you are having difficulties. We are here to help you.”

Others in the video include: COSLA’s President, Councillor Alison Evison, and Resources Spokesperson, Councillor Gail Macgregor. And Steven McNab, Inverclyde Council, Society of Personnel & Development Scotland (SPDS); Sharon McKenzie, Fife Council, Wellbeing Lead for Society of Personnel & Development Scotland (SPDS), and Louise Wilson, Assistant Secretary, EIS.

Full details are available on the Unison Scotland website Unison Scotland article
