UNISON Scotland says Scottish Government must take a different approach
Commenting on the Chancellor’s comprehensive spending review yesterday, UNISON Scottish secretary Mike Kirby (pictured below) said:
“The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us what is, and who are, essential in Scotland.
“Of course police, doctors, nurses and hospitals are deserving but they only part of the public services team who have made the difference throughout this pandemic. Many of these workers are members of teams reliant upon each other.
“Rishi Sunak’s pay freeze is about politics not public finance. It’s a kick in the teeth to key workers, a blow to struggling local economies and it is divisive.
“The Scottish Government has to take a different approach. They need to step up and rise to the challenge of delivering the investment that a real recovery will require. The Scottish Government has the option to do things differently – they should take it”.
Full details are on the UNISON Scotland website UNISON Scotland website article