Branch gains local Labour support for £500 to all Covid 19 responders
UNISON Inverclyde is calling for the Scottish Government’s £500 bonus payment (full time equivalent) to NHS and Social Care staff to be extended to all COVID-19 responders across Public Services.
Unison Branch Officers are pictured above outside the Municipal Buildings today today along with Councillor Robert Moran to promote the campaign.
Branch Secretary, Robin Taggart stated “Whilst the Scottish Governments announcement to pay £500 to NHS and social care staff is welcomed and deserved, it has missed tens of thousands of public sector workers in local government, who have been working throughout the pandemic and are now left wondering why their heroic efforts are not worth rewarding.
Inverclyde Council and other public sector workers in Riverclyde Homes, Inverclyde Leisure and large council commissioned providers like Quarriers have all been operating in difficult circumstances. Whether distributing food or medicine items across Inverclyde, caring for our vulnerable and elderly, collecting waste, staffing the hubs of keyworker children or keeping schools and early years centres open. To say nothing of the hundreds of cleaning staff who have done an invaluable job in cleaning schools and other public buildings.”
Mr Taggart added, “This list is far from exhaustive and the Scottish Government must recognise that there was a massive effort put into dealing with COVID-19 across public services.”
UNISON’s campaign has been supported by the local Labour group within the council. Leader Stephen McCabe successfully raised a motion at the CoSLA leader’s meeting.
Members of Public wish to support UNISON Campaign can sign the petition here Petition link