Further Covid 19 update for Council members


Inverclyde now has one of the highest levels of covid-19 infections in Scotland with 578 of 100,000 people infected. Please see below some updated information for members.


The SG announcement yesterday means that it is effectively unlawful to attend your normal place of work if you can work from home. As a consequence the council are reviewing all of their services, in particular where employees are at the their place of work wholly or partially, with a view to maximising homeworking.

Child Care

Before Christmas I circulated the council’s guidance on managing child care in the expectation that the council was moving into tier 4 on boxing day. At that time the school holidays were to be extended followed by a period or learning at home. We now know that schools and ELCs will be closed until at least the end of January with children being taught at home – the exception being vulnerable children and those of keyworkers. I understand that the same guidance will apply moving forward. If you may have child care issues can you refer to this guidance that I sent you on the 23rd December.


If you have been issued with a shielding letter then you should not be attending your normal place of work. If you have a member of your household who has been issued with a shielding letter and you cannot work from home then it is important that a risk assessment is completed in order to establish whether it is safe or not for you to attend work.

As ever if you have any queries or difficulties with any of these issues then please get in touch.

Thanks Robin

Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)


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