Unison Inverclyde – Branch AGM Wednesday 3rd March 2021 (Virtual)


Dear Colleague

BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Wednesday 3rd March 2021 (Virtual)

Please note that the Branch Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 3rd March 2021.

The meeting will be held at 12.30 virtually due to Covid-19 restrictions. If you wish to attend the meeting then please email joe.pearce@unison.co.uk no later than Friday 12th February 2021.

Invites will be sent to members wishing to attend nearer the time of the meeting with a link to the meeting.

Nominations are sought for the following office bearers’ positions which are to be elected at the meeting:

Service Conditions Officer
Assistant Service Conditions Officer
Young Members Officer
Publicity/Communications Officer
Welfare Officer
Health & Safety Officer
Education Officer
Lifelong Learning Officer
Membership Officer
Equalities Officer
Labour Link Officer

If you wish to nominate a member for any of the above positions please do so by completing the tear-off slip in the attachment below and returning it to this office no later than noon on Friday 29th January.

When completing the slip can you print your name and include your membership number if you have it.

AGM 2021 Letter

Yours sincerely

Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary


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