Make sure you get your vote on May 6th

Life is busy and uncertain. Things can go wrong on the day and sometimes we miss the chance to have our say.

This is even more likely as the pandemic persists. You may be ill or have to self-isolate on polling day. You may be worried about going to a busy polling booth due to the virus. So don’t take the risk of losing your voice. Sign up for a postal vote and vote at your leisure from home.

Scottish Parliament decisions impact on those who use public services and those who deliver them, so it’s vital UNISON members have their say. You can use your vote on May 6 to save our NHS, help our schools, protect our communities and make a real difference to the people you care about.

There’s not long to go till election day so it’s important you make sure you’re registered to vote.

Registering is easy and can be done online at The deadline for registering and getting a vote in the election is midnight on 19th April, if you wish a postal vote you must apply by 5pm on 6th April.

Full details are available on the UNISON Scotland website


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