Latest edition of Scotland in UNISON out now
Unison Scotland’s latest edition of Scotland in Unison is now available:
Articles include:
Council workers plan action on ‘derisory’ offer;
Activists and team effort deliver NHS pay victory;
Dundee university UNISON strike vote wins pension concessions;
CARF campaign keeps rights to local government pension scheme;
Outrage at evictions and bombardment of Gaza;
Welcome trend towards taking public services back in-house;
Glasgow heeds UNISON call to re-open venues;
Lothian Health supporting wellbeing;
Owen picks up Aberdeen Uni award for branch equalities work;
North east event celebrates IDAHOBIT Day;
Fighting for equalities in a pandemic;
Disabled members: Government and employer COVID responses must be inclusive and progressive;
Loneliness and isolation toll on older people;
Address mental health impact on young people;
Best wishes for Martin Murray as he retires;
Remembering Jimmy Luby.
Click here to read Scotland in UNISON June 21
Also available on the UNISON Scotland website