UNISON Welfare, School Uniform Grant 2021, don’t miss out!

UNISON has once again launched a scheme to help members on low incomes deal with the cost of buying school uniforms.

In response to the growing difficulties many members on low incomes face, a programme has been put in place that will assist our most vulnerable members with the cost of purchasing school uniforms.

UNISON’s Welfare charity There for You have set up a fund to help UNISON members on low incomes with school uniform costs by way of a one-off payment of £50 per child, up to a maximum of £150 per family.

You will be able to download your application form from the UNISON There for You website when the fund opens on Thursday 1 July.

UNISON There for You website

Branch members who would like to apply for the Grant or are looking for further information please contact the Branch Office on 01475 715900.

This is always a popular programme so please get your application in quickly. There is a limited fund and once it’s gone, it’s gone.


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