Latest edition of Scotland in UNISON out now

Unison Scotland’s latest edition of Scotland in Unison is now available:

Articles include:

GREEN UNISON WEEK AND COP26 GLASGOW CLIMATE TALKS – We can’t just call for change, we need to be part of it;
Edinburgh fights plans to close council care homes;
Pay: Branches gear up for action after government ‘slap in the face’ for council staff;
Higher Education pay ballot now open;
Collective action win for Argyll & Bute Social Work Emergency members;
Scotland shapes COVID recovery at online special conference;
UNISON teamwork delivers ‘life changing’ win for student paramedics;Menopause – a hot topic;
East Lothian forces u-turn on changes to flexi-time;
UNISON slams Skills Development Scotland’s refusal to pilot four-day week;
STUC Youth Conference;
Implementing ‘The Promise’ – finding out what members need;
UNISON backs Windrush Festival and 1960s Black Power event;
Save the Date: 2021 Scottish Women’s AGM and Conference;
UNISON Inverclyde says ‘Join UNISON’ as it sponsors Greenock Morton;
Introducing Scotland’s NEC members.

Click here to read Scotland in UNISON August 2021

Also available on the UNISON Scotland website


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