Green UNISON Week – 18th to 26th September
In the build- up to COP26, from 18th to 26th September UNISON members will be marking Green UNISON Week, using it to celebrate, discuss and share how the union is working to green public services and to call for urgent action from politicians and employers.
Branches across the UK are organising a week of activities on climate change and green workplaces, raising awareness and demanding action, as well as organising for COP26 demonstrations and more. UNISON Scotland’s motion at Special Delegate Conference stressed the importance of Green UNISON Week and COP26, and both feature on the current front page of Scotland in UNISON.
There will be demonstrations worldwide on 6th November, including around the UK, demanding that the UN Climate talks in Glasgow deliver climate justice. UNISON members will be among many thousands of protesters for the vitally important march in Glasgow and at the rally, calling on world leaders to act now on the climate emergency.
Green UNISON Week also gives members the chance to show support for and solidarity with the global youth climate strike on Friday 24th September.
UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Green UNISON Week gives young people a global space to demand politicians take seriously the damage being done to our planet and act to save its future.
“To support young people’s demand, we’ll be encouraging branches to talk to employers on how they can reduce their own carbon footprints, but more importantly, ensure their employers have a plan to green their workplaces completely. That way we can all begin to make a big difference quickly.”
Anti-trade union laws mean that UNISON branches cannot take strike action, but there are many ways to show your support for the school campaigners and take part in Green UNISON Week.