December edition of Scotland in UNISON now available
Unison Scotland’s latest edition of Scotland in Unison is now available:
Articles include:
150,000 call for action on climate change;
Investment in social work critical to keep the Promise;
Pension talks to resume at Dundee University as strike action pays off;
Social care staff shortages at ‘critical level’ UNISON tells Holyrood;
UNISON strike threat secures new offer for hard pressed council workers ;
2022 to be Year of Disabled Workers;
Colleges celebrate living wage accreditation;
UNISON fight against ‘culture of fear’ makes national media;
Equal Pay: Unions tell Glasgow City Council ‘Don’t dump the deal’;
Unions tell Glasgow City Council ‘Don’t dump the deal’;
STUC: Put women’s equality at heart of political agenda;
Online courses make training accessible to all;
Black History Month;
Authentic voices in the fight against racism;
When Mandela came to Glasgow and the legacy of Oliver Tambo
Click here to read Scotland in UNISON December 21
Also available on the UNISON Scotland website