2022 Year of Disabled Workers

UNISON has dedicated 2022 to a year long national campaigning and organising strategy to support and celebrate disabled workers.

Scotland has a particular interest in the campaign as the idea was developed by one of our Scottish branches.

This campaign is for all workers, and not just disabled workers. YOU have a part to play to make sure that your disabled colleagues who have the same ability and the same work and career progression aspirations as you, also have equity of opportunity throughout their working lives.

Each of us is only ever a second away from an injury or illness that can leave us with a life-changing condition facing avoidable workplace challenges and barriers caused by attitudes, assumptions, and workplace structures and policies.

MSP Pam Duncan-Glancy formally launched UNISON Year of Disabled Workers at December’s Scottish Council meeting.

She highlighted some of the main employment issues faced:
supporting transition from education to work for young people, addressing the persisting pay and disability gaps in our workplaces, and the proper funding of social care to enable disabled people to fully participate in the labour market.

Our region’s Scottish Disabled Member’s Committee is running campaign activities through 2022 to support our members, as our contribution to the national campaign effort.

Some of the main pieces of work that will be delivered include:

Development and roll out of disability training modules.

Webinar input on Reasonable Adjustments available to branches, on request.

Series of webinars covering a range of topics.

Production of guidance on accessibility at virtual meetings for hearing impaired/deaf members.

Member survey of attitudes to disability and barriers.

Publication of a regular newsletter.

The Campaign page will keep you updated on what we’re doing and also link you to work happening nationally and across Scottish branches.

This campaigns page will also update you to guidance, events, or promotional materials that you can use and you can also visit the Disabled members news page on the UNISON Scotland website.


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