UNISON Inverclyde Young Members
The Branch Young Members Officer is Ryan McSween and he introduces himself here.
My name is Ryan, I’m 23, and I am the new Young Members Officer at the Inverclyde Branch. UNISON Young Members Section is for any young member under the age of 27.
Unison is the biggest Trade Union in the council and we have 86 members under the age of 27. In total the council has over 300 staff members under the age of 27 – so there are lots of us.
We are thinking up some ideas that might help younger workers in the council meet and socialise together.
This way we can share the issues that we face in the workplace and collaborate on how to solve them – a problem shared is a problem solved.
If you can do me a favour and fill in the survey below I’d really appreciate it. You can fill it in whether your a UNISON member or not!