UNISON says Social care workers must be compensated for fuel price increases

UNISON is urging Humza Yousaf, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, to increase mileage allowances for social care workers in the third and private sector. UNISON is the largest union representing social care workers.

Social care workers often drive from client to client using their own cars and then have to claim a mileage allowance to recover their costs. However, fuel prices in Scotland have reached record highs, March 2022 saw the largest ever increases in fuel prices, with the average price of petrol hitting £167.30 per litre on 22 March 2022.

John Mooney, UNISON Scotland head of social care said: “It’s inconceivable that the lowest paid workers are expected to shoulder the burden of increased fuel costs without assistance. Once again social care workers in the third and private sector are being treated as the poor relations in Scottish public services. UNISON is urging Humza Yousaf and Kevin Stewart, Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, to sit down with us to discuss how we can support these low paid essential workers.

There are more than 1,200 social care employers in Scotland. The Scottish Government must put mechanisms in place to ensure that challenges faced by social care staff are adequately addressed to allow the continued delivery of essential services to the most vulnerable in society.”

Full details are on the UNISON Scotland website


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