Selective Strike Ballot Information

All Members working in Schools and Early Years Establishments

As you will be aware all of our members working in schools and early years settings are currently being balloted on a programme of disaggregated/selective strike action as part of our pay campaign for this year. If we require to take strike action then members participating will not suffer any financial detriment. If you are a member working in a school or an early years setting and you haven’t received a ballot paper then it is important that you call 0800 085 7857 to arrange for a ballot paper to be posted out to you. This type of ballot is such that it has to be conducted by post and not electronically such is nature of the regulations we require to comply with.

If you have received your ballot paper and have yet to return it, we ask that you do so as soon as possible. We would also urge you to vote ‘YES’ in favour of taking strike action. If we fail to deliver the necessary number of ballot returns to meet the legal threshold then we may find that the current offer of 2% could be imposed on all council members. This offer is significantly and considerably less than offers elsewhere in the public sector. It is paltry when compared to inflation, fuel, energy and other current costs of living.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact the Branch Office.


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