Revised Council Pay Offer Information

Dear Colleague

Revised Pay Offer

Further to the earlier emails as to what the revised pay offer will mean as a percentage increase, I can now provide a further update.

Unfortunately we have not as yet been provided with what the new hourly rates would be should the offer be accepted. We are therefore having to again convert the flat cash payments to percentages. In my previous email I provided percentage increases based on the two flat cash payments within the offer. £2000 for those earning up £20,500 and £1925 for those earning between £20,500 and  £39,000. bases on Inverclyde Council’s standard working week these two figures have increased slightly to £2055 and £1978 respectively. I have now recalculated the percenatge increases as follows (The calculation is baed on the top point within each grade. Most of the grades have up to four increments so members who will not have reached the top point of their grade as at 1st April 2022 will have a slight higher percentage conversion. However as it is a flat cash payment it is still the same amount of money):

Grade 1 – 10.89%
Grade 2 – 10.16%
Grade 3 –  9.25%
Grade 4 –  8.15%
Grade 5 –  7.15%
Grade 6 –  6.17%
Grade 7 –  5.48%
Grade 8 –  5%

We are still waiting for further clarification from CoSLA on how the additional I day annual leave and payment of SSSC fees willl be managed.

I will also circulate the revised hourly rates for this offer as soon as we receive them.

Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary


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