Update for Members in Schools and ELCs

The EIS have announced a day of industrial action for teachers on Thursday 24th September. This is some early guidance for members working in schools and early years establishments.

The planned strike action is focused completely on teacher’s pay. UNISON members working in schools and ELCs are not part of this dispute and so you should report to your normal place of work on Thursday 24th September.

Members should only be undertaking duties appropriate to your grade and job description.

There will be no children attending schools that day or nurseries/ELCs which are attached to schools. Family centres/stand-alone ELCs will be operating as normal with children in attendance.

The EIS have advised us that there may be picket lines at some establishments. The EIS are very clear that their picket lines are intended to discourage other EIS members from going into work. The EIS are not trying to stop or discourage UNISON members from attending their work as they fully understand that this strike is solely about teacher’s pay.

The council may issue additional guidance, as they normally do, in relation to sickness absence on that day. This special guidance will only be for teachers and not UNISON members.


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