Strike Action update
As you will be aware, following the recent consultative ballot on the revised pay offer, just short of 90% of members across Scotland voted to reject the offer. We are now about to enter the next phase of strike action involving members in schools and affected ELCs. The next phase will be a rolling programme of action and will involve different branches taking strike action each week in the lead up to Christmas. Our branch along with Glasgow City, Renfrewshire & East Renfrewshire will be the first branches to take part in this wave and members will be on strike for one day on Wednesday 1st November.
We must remember that members in schools and ELCs are taking selective strike action in pursuit of an improved pay offer for all members within the council. Their efforts, along with over 20,000 other members across Scotland, are to be applauded and I know that all council members – whether on strike or not – will be fully behind them.
We sincerely hope that this threat of a further wave of strike action will bring CoSLA and the Scottish Government to their senses as further strike action is easily avoidable.