Inverclyde Council Budget Update

Branch Secretary Robin Taggart gives a further update on the upcoming Inverclyde Council Budget.

Dear Colleague
Inverclyde Council Budget 2024/26
On the Inverclyde Council website today, two budget proposals have been published. Both of which will be considered by the full council on Thursday. Briefly summarised:

  1. Labour Group & Two Independent Councillors – This proposal is for a two year budget which will not include any job losses over the two year period other than those potentially affected by workstream savings. This proposal also includes a council tax increase of 8.2% for 2024/25.
  1. SNP Group – This proposal is for a one year budget which will not include any job losses over the one year period other than those potentially affected by workstream savings. This proposal does not include any council tax increase for 2024/25.

The positive aspect is that members jobs in services such as Libraries, Community Wardens, CCTV etc will no longer be at risk for at least this year. Or over the next two years if the two year budget proposal is agreed on Thursday.
Within the main council report there is a saving of £2.68m to be achieved through a number of workstreams. Three of these workstreams – Community Learning & Development, Digital & Customer Services & Management Restructure – have a combined savings target of £480,000. It is likely that delivering this combined savings target will result in a small number of job losses. Most if not all in year 2 (2025/26). There is also a reduction of a 0.5FTE post in revenues & benefits which is being labelled an efficiency saving.
The development of the HSCP budget is being led by the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) – the body which overseas the HSCP. The IJB will require to close a budget gap of just over £7m over the next three years. A combination of increased charges, service reviews and service reductions/withdrawal are being considered. Members whose jobs could potentially be impacted upon by HSCP cuts are being met today. We will provide a more detailed briefing on possible HSCP cuts after the staff meetings today.
Robin Taggart
Branch Secretary
Unison (Inverclyde Branch)


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