Inverclyde Leisure PAY CLAIM 2015/16
UNISON Inverclyde Branch are beginning to enter into negotiations around the current pay claim with Inverclyde Leisure for 2015/16. We want to consult you whether you feel the current bargaining position is acceptable:
2 Member Consultations will take place on the 23rd April at 10am and 5pm at Greenock Town Hall. This is a member only meeting. A poster for your workplace is available here:
UNISON seek:
- A settlement that runs for a period of one year with effect from 1 April 2015
- £1 per hour for all employees on all spinal column points.
- Full consolidation of the Living Wage on an ongoing basis in line with recommendations made by the Scottish Living Wage Campaign. This would also be applicable to lnverclyde Leisure procurement in the award of contracts.
- Early deletion of spinal column points below the level of the Living Wage.
This claim is set in the context of a seventh consecutive year of decline in the value of wages, with our members in IL being expected to continue to deliver high quality public services with diminishing resources.
Whilst pay over the last five years has been virtually static, the price of goods and services have got higher and higher. For example since 2007 the average rent for a council house has increased by 26%. In the same time the wages of IL staff have increased by just 8.3%. Price increases impacting at greater levels than headline inflation figures have led to a considerable drop in living standards. Over this period the gap has grown to 14%. Inflation is particularly harsh on for low paid workers. Spending on necessities makes up a greater share of the available income of the low paid than it does the better off.
Living Wage
Unison fought hard to insure Inverclyde Council consolidated the Living Wage now its time that Inverclyde Leisure Make the same commitment.
Currently the IL pay staff the living wage through top ups (supplements) to their pay. Currently Inverclyde Leisure Management are using allowances to offset the level of the supplement. It means every time someone is given allowance or enhancement for taking up extra duties or working awkward shifts then the top up system means they are still paid £7.60 like everyone else. Teams Leaders and staff below them are in many case on the same pay. Staff working late nights are on the same pay as people working 9 – 5pm.
A mechanism now needs to be found to apply the outcomes of the Living Wage Foundation fairly. UNISON view the deletion of the spinal column points beneath the level of the living wage as being crucial to Inverclyde Leisure being able to claim that they are Living Wage employers.
It is also our view that we seek to negotiate a mechanism to ensure that the Living Wage becomes the minimum rate applicable through procurement when IL are awarding contracts to caterers etc.
UNISON are of the view that previous settlements in Inverclyde Leisure have not maintained our members pay in comparison to inflationary movements. We do welcome the progress made in applying the Living Wage and our claim this year seeks to build on that and sustain it going forward. We are looking forward to working with the IL Board and management in seeking a negotiated settlement.