Joining UNISON is easy!
The simplest way to pay UNISON subs is via direct deduction from wages. Just print out one of the forms (we need a signature), send it in and we’ll do the rest for you. Alternatively, you can join online and pay by direct debit.
Or you can…..
Ask your local steward for a form, or contact us at
UNISON Scotland
UNISON House, 14 West Campbell Street Glasgow G2 6RX. 0845 355 0845
Douglas House, 60 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3UQ. 0845 355 0845
Grampian Area Resource Centre 7 Alford Place Aberdeeen AB1 1YD. 01224 620624
UNISON House, 53 Shore Street, Inverness IV1 1NF. 01463 715891
The 0845 355 0845 number is open Monday-Friday 6am-midnight Saturdays 9am-4pm
Looking to RECRUIT A FRIEND for Inverclyde Branch? Click here